Automatically push to bitbucket

I wrote a crontab to automatically run git commit and git push to back up my bitbucket pages. To push successfully I need to install keychain and run

/usr/local/bin/keychain $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa

Then add

source $HOME/.keychain/${HOSTNAME}-sh

to my shell script.

git change commit message after push

From stackoverflow,

git commit --amend -m "message"

git push --force

Anyone already pulled needs to do

git fetch origin

git reset --hard origin/master # Loses local commits

vim open/close folding

open folding zo close folding zc toggle folding za

git rewrite history

Change the last commit

$ git commit --amend

If I forgot to add or remove a file, I can first run git add or git rm, then git commit --amend.

vim close all buffers


macvim default font

Add the following to .gvimrc

set guifont=Monaco:h14